We’ve got your backside for Tech Tips and this week we are on a roll!
We would like to introduce to you an exciting bathroom innovation, the SMART TOILET. Next to 5G and smartphones, this is absolutely a technological game changer. From sensors that activate the flushing mechanism to disease-detecting precision health toilets that can sense multiple signs of illness by automating urine and stool analysis the porcelain bowl may never be the same!
Ground Breaking Full Flush Features Include:
Air dryers
Automatic hands-free open/close lids
Advanced cleaning systems
Heated seats with adjustable temperature controls leaving you basking in luxurious warmth.
Self cleaning automations
Night lights
Touchscreen remote controls
Anti-slam and quiet close lids
Programmable personalized settings
Prices range from $250 - $5000 for these intelligent “crappers” fit for a King. Which really leaves us with just one question, “do you have a square to spare?”