Each year as kids flock back to school our customers inquire about Parental Control software options. Although the debate rages as to what might be the “best” age to permit digital connectivity, the truth is that today’s parents are raising a new breed of tech-savvy connected kids. Elementary schools are introducing tablets and Ipads into the classrooms, and it is not uncommon to see Kindergarteners with cell phones. Parents are concerned about cyberbullying, online safety and screen time. Ultimately, the question of the day, is simply, “How do I keep my kids safe online?”

Fortunately, there are several apps and programs on the market to support parents with their quest for online safety. Norton offers a suite of parental controls to help your family establish healthy and safe online habits. Features include:
Web supervision
Time supervision
Search supervision
Social Network supervision
Personal Information protection
Email alerts
Access Request
Activity History
And more
Of course, no app or program on the market today can take the place of the OFF switch or a good, old-fashioned chat at the kitchen table! You might be surprised at what you can learn from your connected kid.
Need assistance purchasing and installing a robust security suite? Contact us today.