“Take care of the pennies, and the pounds will take care of themselves.” Small business owners will wholeheartedly agree with this old English proverb when talk turns to data. Trying to run a small business on a tight budget means taking control of your data usage. Truth be told, you are probably unaware of how much data you and your employees are using. Never fear – the Google app store is coming to the rescue with the introduction of Datally!
Part of Google’s Next Billion Users initiative, the Datally app will support your efforts to fully understand your data usage on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis. Additionally, you will receive personalized recommendations designed to aid you in regaining control of your expenses. Understanding data usage is the first step. Next, Datally will provide you with enhanced control, enabling you to track real-time data usage and block background data usage with a single tap. Finally, Datally will update you with information on public Wifi hotspots and seamlessly connect you in real time.
Goodbye greedy apps – hello Datally!