We are certainly dating ourselves, nevertheless, if "attention K-Mart shoppers” caught your attention, you are definitely a certified, legitimate deal seeker. We urge you to put the coupon book and scissors away and prepare yourself to embrace Honey – the app that saves you money while you sit back and observe.
This remarkable free, Browser extension searches for coupons on the majority of your favourite shopping sites. When Honey discovers valid, working codes, it automatically enters them and you enjoy all the savings without the manual effort of locating and entering coupon codes.
When you are ready to shop, install the Honey and:
Visit your favourite shopping website
Open your online cart
With the cart open, click the Honey icon located in the extensions or add-on section of your browser
Select apply coupons
Honey will enter the applicable coupon
Continue to checkout and pay for your purchase while enjoying your instant savings
Honey works on thousands of different websites from pizza parlours to Best Buy, Expedia and Amazon. With one click Honey promises to bring the Internet’s best discount codes directly to your shopping cart. Now that's a deal!
Contact RW Networks Inc. today to learn more about apps and Browser Extensions.