As promoters of all things “tech” when our trusty steed, a large gas guzzling Dodge Dakota Sport Pick Em Up truck turned over for the last time, we figured it was prudent to embrace new auto technology. Quicker than you can unscrew the gas cap, we embarked on the Hybrid adventure. Without tooting our own horn, we like to think we are fairly knowledge in the land of bits and bytes. Sadly, this knowledge does not translate well to the automotive sector. Armed with a bounty of information compiled from Google and Wikipedia we bravely visited our local auto dealerships in pursuit of the perfect vehicle to meet our needs.
Quickly we realized our bicoastal lifestyle meant a pure electric car would not be suitable. Currently, the range of the electric cars left us feeling vulnerable. It’s true! We developed a severe case of “range anxiety.” Consequently, we narrowed our search to the hybrid market. From the Toyota Prius to the Tesla Model 3, we researched the ever-growing number of available hybrids. We learned about the utilization of both a standard gasoline powered engine and an electric motor with rechargeable battery pack. Diligently, we discussed the pros and cons, and finally, we made a decision. Wondering about our decision? Let us introduce you to Baby Blue – our versatile cross-over hybrid Niro from Kia.
Interested in learning more about hybrid technology? Take a peek at these car buying tips.