Today is the Great British Columbia Shake Out!
A day in which millions of people worldwide practice how to Drop, Cover and Hold. This is a wonderful opportunity to learn and practice how to be safer during a big quake, and a time to review and update emergency preparedness plans and supplies. After all, practice makes perfect!
Of course, personal safety and taking care of your loved ones is always a top priority, but emergency preparedness should also extend to your computers and home network. Here are a few disaster preparedness tips for your electronics:
Install surge protectors
If possible, during a disaster, unplug all of your computers to avoid damage from potential power surges
When possible, keep your equipment away from water – windows, leaking roofs etc.
Backup your data to the cloud or an external hard drive stored offsite
Keep passwords offsite, ensuring they can be used on another computer in case your primary system is damaged beyond repair
Consider using earthquake safety fasteners on larger appliances like printers, fax machines and TV’s – remember, shelves are likely to fall during a quake
Visit Shake Out BC to learn more.